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Hi, George!

I think there are a couple things you can improve here:

- the GI quality is too low for the scene, causing those dark splotches.

- the lighting does not match the fixtures. You have spots on the ceiling, but the lighting does not reflect that. Also, the light coming from the windows is strange, strong between them and behind the curtains. I don't think there would be that much light in those places.

Just my 2 cents.

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Hi, George!

I think there are a couple things you can improve here:

- the GI quality is too low for the scene, causing those dark splotches.

- the lighting does not match the fixtures. You have spots on the ceiling, but the lighting does not reflect that. Also, the light coming from the windows is strange, strong between them and behind the curtains. I don't think there would be that much light in those places.

Just my 2 cents.


thank you Rick


I'll try to adjust the image.

please have a look on the vray settings, what could be improved in settings?

I use vray plane lighting for windows with about 10 or 9 intensity, and half transparent curtains


thank you again

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Hi Nodar,


just my humble opinion,


The problem in the pictures is the light. The shadows don't came from the windows and don't came also from the spots... In your picture the windows light is very strong but the shadows don't came from the windows.

And I agree with the other post. Your GI is not so "hig" resulution

ps. sorry for my english...

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I think your problem might be the Hsph. Subdivs, increase them, over 50, or go higher if those blotches don't disappear, and also increase the interp samples, to about 40, and it should be ok.


best regards


thanks for comments


i already did it last night, and i left pc for rendering, i'll upload image soon

it looks better now

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