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Looking for training


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Hies everybody

i'm looking for training in the rendering / visualization field for next summer (any place on earth will do) as i intend to make this a career when i finish architecture school......(using MAX /VIZ /Lightscape and now starting with C4D 7XL ).....is anyone interrested in taking me, or can guide me to some good companies that will take me instead of loosing my time....


Last year i sent letters to like 20 companies, only 2 of them replied and they were already booked for this summer....finally i found a training in the United Arab emirated at a german architectural firm (will do CG and archi work), but i don't think the CG training will be up to the level, so i want to see for next summer if i can get myself some descent training with competent people.......so anyone?


If anyone is interrested or can help, i will send my portfolio



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Guest juko101

Have you considered getting training in an educational, rather than a business environment? My school offers a 2 year, thesis driven masters in electronic visualization with an emphasis on architecture, if you want it. As I understand it, they will also soon be offering a one year degree that is geared more specifically towards arch grads, though I'm not sure whether this is a masters degree. It's a small program with only several people, all of whom appear to be from Asia. Here's the link...



I would also be very interested in learning about other arch viz training in university settings (particularly in the U.S.)

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Guest Brick Feet

Most of the programs out there are user oriented, giving you the ability to utilize the program the way you wish (for instance there are 4 ways - maybe more - to use commands in AutoCAD)


I say this so that you don't get pulled into believing that a school oriented class will give you the ability to render or draft better than those who have been in the field and understand it just as well.


SageCAD offers a 3 Day intensive course in VIZ, taught by Stand Bowman, an Artist from Cornell University. He makes all the beginning steps a snap, and you take it wherever you want to.


I am not doubting that the school classes help, however they are not the best option in my opinion. I learned everything I know about CAD and VIZ while using it in the field.

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