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3ds Max 2011 New Problems


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New OLD problem that was fixed in the 2010 sp



Max 2011 won't start when my regional settings are using the comma "," instead of a decimal point "."


Last year we had a guy from Autodesk login remotely on my pc to figure this out, then just a week or two after that it was fixed with the sp. but I don't know why this hasn't carried over into max 2011??



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I tried the 2011 trial for a few days and the number of bugs I ran into was amazing.


With my Nvidia FX580 card using the performance driver, Max crashes as soon as I use the "Viewport Canvas". Using the "normal" directx driver the viewport Canvas freezes as soon as I try to paint something.


In the slate editor, you can't drag the material tabs around (For example the "General Maps" slot to the top of the editor). If you switch to "Compact Material Editor", you can do the dragging, but if you go back to the slate editor, max crashes.


If you open a Max scene file as a material library - max does not seem to use cached previews for the materials, but does a new render everytime you open it. So if you hit "Show subtree" Max renders all the materials in the file using fullsized maps. In my case that took 10 minutes, reading about 2 GB of maps. During that time Max is completely frozen. And next time you open the material editor, the same thing happens again.


Using BSP2 in orthogonal view ignores random faces on any non simple scene I tried, creating odd holes in your model. Normal BSP renders fine, but has the old memory problems.


The complete material editor seems only half finished right now, some of the features of the compact editor do not work in the slate editor.

For example in the compact editor, you are able to replace one entity type by another - i.e. replacing a normal material by a multi material. In the slate editor you can create a new multi material, but you have to reassign it to all the objects. So I find myself constantly switching between the two editor types. I wish you could have both open at the same time.


And thats only what I encountered in a few days...really disappointing, guess I'll stay away from 3ds max a while longer.

Edited by datax
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With my Nvidia FX580 card using the performance driver, Max crashes as soon as I use the "Viewport Canvas". Using the "normal" directx driver the viewport Canvas freezes as soon as I try to paint something.


And thats only what I encountered in a few days...really disappointing, guess I'll stay away from 3ds max a while longer.


It may surprise you but we're not responsible for the nvidia performance driver - that is supported/tested by nvidia - not Autodesk. We work with nvidia to point out problems to them, you should do the same. What is your "normal" nvidia driver? Can you try 191.87?


As to the rerendering of the material lib and lack of caching sounds like it would impact everyone and we'd know of it from beta. I wonder why you're experiencing it but not others. I can't comment on the other problems as I'm not a technical expert. Sorry for the bumps. Please log them if you can:


Edited by kenpimentel
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I just tried 191.87 as well as the latest driver 197.54. The problem stays the same. Not a big deal, as I don't see me using the feature too much anyway.


Sometimes its odd what people miss in software development. But maybe its only my setup?


Could someone do me a favor and open a max file with a large amout of maps as a library in the slate editor and hit the "Show Subtree" option?

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i create a teapot and add an edit poly modifier and woohoo my button comes back and i am able to apply one of the modifiers from the drop down list. but . . . as soon as i add a modifier, the button disappears. the only way to get it back is to convert to edit poly or add another edit poly modifier because of the rule. so the rule only applies if the object has the edit poly modifier constantly at the top of the stack. surely not the most efficient workflow.


i'm not saying this is the workflow i follow as i'd still need to go to the modify panel to adjust modifier settings so i'd just keep my modifier sets in there, but when the help document guides you to do something, you'd think it would be useful.

That is the correct workflow for the conditions. From the help file (Autodesk 3ds Max Help > Surface Modeling > Graphite Modeling Tools > Customizing the Ribbon > Conditions Dialog) on the conditional dialog:
Selection States


Typically, if you enable either of these, enable the other as well. This is the case for the Available property in most panels on the Graphite Modeling Tools, Freeform, and Selection tabs on the ribbon.


Editable Poly Selected

Applies when a single editable poly object is selected and .3ds Max is in Modify mode.


Edit Poly Selected

Applies when a single Edit Poly object (that is, an object with the Edit Poly modifier applied) is selected and .3ds Max is in Modify mode.

If you want a different conditional state I would look at the maxscript option.



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I've got an Nvidia Quadro FX 3800 card and I'm running the Direct 3D 9.0 driver for it and I'm having problems with the viewport canvas. I know a few others have had issues with other Nvidia cards but I thought with I'd have better luck with this one. Unfortunately as soon as I start the viewport canvas and mouse over any object the system freezes for 5 or 10 seconds before I even press the mouse button. When I do press the button nothing happens and it seem I'm unable to paint on anything. Is it just me am I doing something wrong or is this just one of many bugs I'm reading about?

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We've had reports of problems on the FX3800 that aren't making much sense to us. We haven't seen them on our FX3800, so they are not consistent across setups. We're not sure if it is an nvidia driver issue or something else. Do you use 32b Win 7 or Vista? If so, try turning off Aero as this has been seen to fix those problems in some cases. You can't turn off Aero on Win 7 64b unfortunately.

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I got a reply from Autodesk about this here's what they said:


Unfortunately, this sounds like a known issue that is described in the Readme.


"Viewport Canvas does not display the tiling parameters in the map, only the UVs. Performance can be affected by attempting to paint on an object with small bitmap tiles. For this reason, it is recommended that you paint with UVs that have been applied with no or very limited tiling and with Real World Map Size turned off."


When I turned off real world map size I was able to paint on the object but no matter what I do it still just tiles what ever I paint all over the object.

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One (dumb) question: are you unwrapping the objects? I had the same problem, until I unwrapped the object I was working on. Once the unwrapping was done, there was no more tiling and VC worked great.



Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

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You need to do that, otherwise VC will apply the new map (the one you're painting) to each face. Not only this is not what you're looking for, but also makes it nearly impossible to display, because your graphic card would need to update hundreds or thousands of instaces of the map in real time. After unwrapping, it's only one map for the whole geometry, much lighter to display.

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hi! i have some problem with my new version of 3D Max 2011.

When I try to use some (not all) of the new material like glasses or flooring or metals, all the setting of the material are set to default and and the material appear black!!!

I post some image.

I hope you understand my bad english… ;P



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Apparently it can't find the bitmaps these materials need. Take a look at that.


Thanks Rick for your answare I hope to find a solution! Immediatly i have think the same reason but If you see the Alluminium anodized - blu you can see that the problem is not a map but the black color. In case where in a material there is a map i can see the map in the diffuese position of the material (and in the bump if there is one) i if i controle the map is right and all is right but the brigtness of the maps is 0,0! Infact what i can notice is that all the settings ofo the maps and the materials are Default like virgin material... :( Why?

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