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Forums Upgraded

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I think the new forum is actually harder to read. A bit too many colours - not sure about "diggin" posts on a forum or the other options like furl/de.li.cious which franklY I've never heard before.


I do like the new reply options though. And I'm sure the added functionalities will suit the ADD centric genYs.

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I was pleasantly surprised by the new design !


I've been looking into the uses for services like digg. Here is a simple explanation of "social bookmarking" (the generic term for services like this.) It could be useful in collecting and bookmarking info on a specific subject from numerous forums and sites (including CG Architect).




I just noticed that my link (the words "social bookmarking") doesn't show up too well. So here it is again: the short explanation of social bookmarking is here http://www.fdlp.gov/home/tutorials/fdlpdesktop/246-what-is-social-bookmarking and info about how it is used for data collection and research is here http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ELI7001.pdf. I first thought these were just a way to say "hey, I liked this" but now I can see the potential as a research tool.

Edited by Jane Namenye
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Commendations on the new forum layout. It is a great evolution of something which was good and sound from the very beginning.


I am having one small issue, which could probably be rectified by a tiny settings in my references if I knew where to find it!:

In the "unread posts" section of the old layout, there was a division between new threads, and old threads which recieved new posts from my last visit. Where can I adjust the new layout to display the same?

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One thing that I've always enjoyed about the former CGA forums was the quality of the search function. If you queried three words it would only pull up threads that contained all three words, giving you a very good chance to find what you're looking for.


I never liked searching on chaos' groups forums because a multiple word search delivered a huge return of entries, half of which had nothing to do with your search. Now with the upgarde CGA is using the same search function which is really unfortunate. I'm yet to get a search return on the new forums with "no threads found to match your search"..... if you have anything in the search thread you'll always get a return even if it's garbage compared against what you're looking for.


I've looked through the search preferences and I'm failing to find an option for only displaying the contains all words of the search criteria. For instance, try searching "vampire goats texas boogers" you'd no return threads found but instead you get 5 pages of threads with parts of your search string..... which I don't find ideal.


Am I overlooking something?



Edited by BrianKitts
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Commendations on the new forum layout. It is a great evolution of something which was good and sound from the very beginning.


I am having one small issue, which could probably be rectified by a tiny settings in my references if I knew where to find it!:

In the "unread posts" section of the old layout, there was a division between new threads, and old threads which recieved new posts from my last visit. Where can I adjust the new layout to display the same?


This was unfortunately removed from the new version of the software, I hope they bring it back in a future point release.

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One thing that I've always enjoyed about the former CGA forums was the quality of the search function. If you queried three words it would only pull up threads that contained all three words, giving you a very good chance to find what you're looking for.


I never liked searching on chaos' groups forums because a multiple word search delivered a huge return of entries, half of which had nothing to do with your search. Now with the upgarde CGA is using the same search function which is really unfortunate. I'm yet to get a search return on the new forums with "no threads found to match your search"..... if you have anything in the search thread you'll always get a return even if it's garbage compared against what you're looking for.


I've looked through the search preferences and I'm failing to find an option for only displaying the contains all words of the search criteria. For instance, try searching "vampire goats texas boogers" you'd expect no return of nothing found but instead you get 5 pages of threads with parts of your search string..... which I don't find ideal.


Am I overlooking something?




I'm looking into this. It does appear they changed something...

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right now i'm just doing the 'Mark Forums Read' on my way out, so that the older stuff is hidden from view, but its a bit of a workaround.

I have to do the same thing when using Tapatalk. Otherwise, it will always show me 99+ unread posts everytime.

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I'm not really sure what the icons represent to the left of each post. Sometimes they are red and sometimes blue. I thought they may change once I've read a thread but they dont seem to change colour ever.

There is a legend at the bottom of the pages that have unique icons.

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Do we no longer have the option to directly upload images from our computer when replying to threads? If you click on the attachments option when posting the only option is to add a url to a website, the option to click on "upload from my computer" is not an active link.

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Do we no longer have the option to directly upload images from our computer when replying to threads? If you click on the attachments option when posting the only option is to add a url to a website, the option to click on "upload from my computer" is not an active link.


You need to click the "Select Files" button once you are on that page. This will prompt you to select the files from your computer. I have to admit I don't really like the new upload interface, but there is not much I can do about that.

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  • 2 months later...
One thing that I've always enjoyed about the former CGA forums was the quality of the search function. If you queried three words it would only pull up threads that contained all three words, giving you a very good chance to find what you're looking for.


I never liked searching on chaos' groups forums because a multiple word search delivered a huge return of entries, half of which had nothing to do with your search. Now with the upgarde CGA is using the same search function which is really unfortunate. I'm yet to get a search return on the new forums with "no threads found to match your search"..... if you have anything in the search thread you'll always get a return even if it's garbage compared against what you're looking for.


I've looked through the search preferences and I'm failing to find an option for only displaying the contains all words of the search criteria. For instance, try searching "vampire goats texas boogers" you'd no return threads found but instead you get 5 pages of threads with parts of your search string..... which I don't find ideal.


Am I overlooking something?




I think this problem is currently solved. Boolean search was broken, so search results were not that useful, however a patch was released to correct this. If I search for your earlier query, I only get this thread. Can you please confirm.

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Jeff, although the new forums have some nice features, a few of us miss the old "Critiques Thread". We now have the gallery, but we feel it has lost some of the old "learning from eachother" factor. Maybe you can take this into consideration on your next modification. I say this respectfully of a community I still admire much! thanks

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Jeff, although the new forums have some nice features, a few of us miss the old "Critiques Thread". We now have the gallery, but we feel it has lost some of the old "learning from eachother" factor. Maybe you can take this into consideration on your next modification. I say this respectfully of a community I still admire much! thanks


I'm not sure what you mean. All of the critique forums are still here and nothing has changed with them, the only thing I did was rename the Final images gallery to "Architectural Visualization Gallery" You can still critique the images, as many are currently doing, and the WIP forum has not changed at all. Am I missing something?

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You are right, I guess what we were discussing a couple days ago, is that the people that used to post up on the gallery, were not the same people that used to post up on the "Finished Work Critique" thread. Typically they were just people looking to showcase their work to the world, while the latter were actually interested in "critiques". So now, by merging the gallery with the forum, we have 100 new images everyday of first time posters, some of whom are not genuinely looking for critiques. You are right that we can still critique the images just as before, but the "community" feel is just not there no more. This is a sentiment that others were feeling a couple days ago here: http://forums.cgarchitect.com/61413-has-anyone-ever-got-any-work-through-cga.html

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