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San Francisco Fall CGA Event?

Jeff Mottle

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In trying to keep another thread on topic (http://forums.cgarchitect.com/41006-may-20th-will-change-way-you-render-forever.html) I've moved the discussions about a possible CGA San Francisco event to this new thread.


I just searched the forum database and there are 182 people from SFO registered, and I'm sure a lot more who did not indicate their location.

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If we go as far as making this an event and get enough to attend.....


I would have to clear it with the powers that be, but I'm pretty sure I could host a gathering of a decent crowd if need be. We have a large mutli-use space for charettes, presentations, and mockups that we could use.


Assuming there's some big hitters coming, perhaps we can line up a few demonstrations / presentations? Prior to embarking out on a bay area bar hop of course.....




(and yes we have plenty more chairs for a big crowd.... the space is cleared out at the moment)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  BrianKitts said:
(and yes we have plenty more chairs for a big crowd.... the space is cleared out at the moment)


The space is cleared out of any personality, too. Get the kids in to decorate!


I might be talked into doing a demo or something. Of what, I'm not sure. Maybe client ignoring?


When exactly are we talking about?

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Hey guys,


If we do decide to try to organize this, I'm thinking either just before or after the NVIDIA GPU conference. http://www.nvidia.com/object/gpu_technology_conference.html as I'll be in the bay area then. We'd just need to figure what exactly we want to do with this and how big it should be. It could be as small as a private invite event to catch up, or as big enough to sell tickets and have a lineup of speakers. If we do the latter, we'd need to open registration mid-july, which does not leave a lot of time to line everything up. Open for discussion.



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You seriously need to avoid organizing anything like this yourself. You know you don't have the time and you're kidding yourself if you think you do.


  Jeff Mottle said:
Hey guys,


If we do decide to try to organize this, I'm thinking either just before or after the NVIDIA GPU conference. http://www.nvidia.com/object/gpu_technology_conference.html as I'll be in the bay area then. We'd just need to figure what exactly we want to do with this and how big it should be. It could be as small as a private invite event to catch up, or as big enough to sell tickets and have a lineup of speakers. If we do the latter, we'd need to open registration mid-july, which does not leave a lot of time to line everything up. Open for discussion.



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  Brian Smith said:

You seriously need to avoid organizing anything like this yourself. You know you don't have the time and you're kidding yourself if you think you do.


Yup you're absolutely right, which is why others here would need to do the heavy lifting. I can help guide it, advertise it and show up, but past that...indeed it would be suicide to try to organize it all.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Anything new on this? The conference Jeff was thinking about attending is:

"GTC 2010, taking place Sept 20-23 [2010] at the San Jose Convention Center in San Jose"


I don't know yet if I can be there, but I would like to be. (I have to see a woman about a horse...and her grandsons).


I did think of something to present, meaning an informal demo rather than my previous DMVC shows. Or just beers and a few more beers would be good, too.

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