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"Day After Tomorrow" trailer...

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Holy crap! Why not just scare the pants off us on a Friday? Scenes of large-scale destruction in NYC still creep me out. When I was 13 I did a drawing of a huge wave moving across Manhattan from the west, overtaking building shafts as it went. I wish I still had it. Drew it from life, looking out the window (25th floor apartment).


The CG work is fantastic! Deep Impact was similar. Has anyone else read David Brin's 'Earth'? It's about runaway effects of global warming, among other disasters. The only problem with this sort of 'cautionary tale' is that they exagerate the effects we can expect, so when smaller change is happening it looks to be 'not so bad, not like that movie'.


But back to the CG work--very well done. I'm glad to hear one of our own is involved--that way we have a better chance that the architectural elements will be done well and treated properly.


Any dinosaurs?

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REALLY stupid question...

does anyone know the name of the font they used in that promo? i've got about 5 million fonts on my computer, looked online, but i don't have that one, and that's the one i'm looking for.

like i said; stupid question, but if anyone could help i'd appreciate it.



oh; and the trailer looks great!

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  • 2 months later...
Special effects are amazing, but the rest ...

By Paul Clinton CNN Reviewer

Friday, May 28, 2004 Posted: 10:44 AM EDT (1444 GMT)


(CNN) -- Can you say cheese? Because that's what you'll get when you buy a ticket to see "The Day After Tomorrow."


Don't get me wrong: Visually, the film is stunning. The special effects are breathtaking. The huge vistas of New York City caught in the grip of a tidal wave, followed by hundreds of feet of snow, are remarkable. And, yes, this film, with a reported budget of $125 million, will have a huge opening weekend and will make millions of dollars.


...all you can do is sit back and let the amazing special effects wash over you while letting go of any hope for a coherent story. "The Day After Tomorrow" has all the markings of a major blockbuster, but that doesn't necessarily make it worth your hard-earned bucks.


Good special effects are all I need. A good story and good acting are a plus, but alone they spell "Masterpiece Theater". I want to see stuff blow up.


But my question, and I direct this specifically to Chris Nichols, is this: Is this film too scary to take a 9 year old to? As I said earlier, seeing NY being torn up is a little hard to stomach after it happened for real to us. I think my son would enjoy the effects--he's a real movie effects fan--I just don't want to expose him to stuff that will give him nightmares. Kids take things they see very literally sometimes.

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Have seen it yesterday and i think the movie is really breathtaking, considering his previous movies of Ronald Emerich (ie independence day), this one was considerably better, it think. The story and acting was especially a lot better then his earlier blockbusters (godzilla)


The FX are truly awesome, and amazing !!! The tidal wave hitting NY, OMG!!!

this one is definatly ending up in my DVD collection ;)

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Hey Chris, are you in the film credits then?


It's always been a dream of mine to work on feature films. Like many people I have a passion for good cinema. Congrats on the work but I must admit I'm a little jealous, although it does give me hope that it is possible to get into the buisness (even if just a small part) through architecture. Way to go man!

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Well, well....saw it on saturday and gotta tell you guys... Awesome effects! I saw some making-of footage (discreet sent us 2 weeks ago), wonderful job! Chris, that's an excellent job to work on!

And, as Jeff said, not much of a story, but it's definetly worth my money!

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