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Dead server


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alas, it's true. Yesterday i was hit by W32 Nimda E@mm and W32 Nimda enc on my server. The results were catastrophic. Over 13,000 infected files (eml,tmp,exe,dll) tha took over 2 GB of space. That's the same server that shares my internet connection, acts as file and print server (DC controller). What can i say, i just went nuts. I didn't have any anti viral software installed on, simply because none would run on W2K advanced server. Only today did i discover Norton AV corporate edition. So i just went and bought it, cleaned the server. But still everyting's crashing now, and i have to do a clean W2k install tonight. All group policies, Active Directory setup (bouhouuuuu!!!!!). Install of all apps....backup of all files....restoring all files..... :mad: arghhhhhhhh....oh well life goes on.


Wish me luck


PS: my only consolation is that 2morrow is Sunday, oh, but i forgot; i also work on sundays.....bouhouuuuuuuuuuuu :(

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Good Luck Taka! At least you have the backups. I lost a system about 8 months ago to that virus at work and ended up rebuilding it too, and we had virus protection. I got it the day and a few hours before McAfee released the new DAT file.

My susgestion, if you have not already done so, is to do a mirror of your system once you get a clean install all done. It reduced my set up time from about 16-18 hours of work to about 4.


Good Luck

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wow. I can't believe it. LOL. how can someone have a server without antivirus? heh. that nimda is quite old. I didn't know it is still infecting out there.

It's good that you have a backup. Did you install the backup system after losing everything once as the antivirus? heh. That's how it happened to me. You never do a backup until you need it once.. then you see the importance of that :)


remember. you can play with your workstations.. but never with the server ;) a server has to be manteined. service packs... antivirus. everything. There is a software that creates a backup of all your entire disc. including operating system and everything. you can use it every night. that way you can always have your system as the day before just with one click.


good luck :)

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ok i'm back, and i saw HELL! LOL. Everything is up and running again. it took me 36 hrs. Pretty huge, don't u think? well that includes, partitioning, formating, installing Win2K AS, active directory support, DNS, Group policies and restoring of old accounts and data. Installion of NAV Corporate 7.6 followed (nice features to create a NAV server for all ur network), Printer management, and all the software. One thing took me quite a time was the remote installation feature of software in W2K server. it's amazing. I also took the liberty of reformating all my workstations (5 of them), coz they were starting to run slow with all that junk lying here and there. Installed all the software packs (Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver, Office, Lightscape, Viz4, ACAD 2002, etc.....what the hell


So in short, i'm BACK!!!!!! cool2.gif


PS: after 36 hours on non-sleep, no eating (living on smokes and coffee) and without any air-conditioning, u start smelling really, i mean really bad(stinky)


[ August 25, 2002, 06:04 PM: Message edited by: TAKA ]

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