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Railing Script


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Hi all,


There has been talk and several tries on making a railing script: http://www.cgarchitect.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=11;t=000024


What do you think about putting our heads together to write a good, flexible and highly useable script? (Afterall we all have to model railings, and would it not be nice to be able to convert any line into a nice customizable railing?)


Everyone had his own troubles so far, but if we brainstorm on it maybe we'll find a solution.

These things we know thus far:

* viz got a railing tool / max does not

* you cannot specify a spline for lofting nor bevel profile through scripting (Mark Lorenz)

* you do not have a scriptable spline outline variable in max (but you do have one in viz) (nisus)


Any suggestions?





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okay nisus call me stupid, but let me see what a railing is please.... picture?? or explain it in dutch.. I don't have VIZ so..


greetz from the north....


btw, I came through Gent when I went to France.. hehe... couldn't see that space office of yours ;)biggrin2.gif

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Hi Quizzy,


(I'll explain in Dutch)

"A railing" is wat wij in het gewoon vlaams een railing noemen. Ander woordjes: balustrade, leuning... Je weet wel, die dingen die ze aan terrassen hangen zodat er minder kindertjes van hooguit vallen en de grond raken... In glas of in aluminium... Bedoeling is van één lijn te tekenen, daarna een type te selecteren en max/viz via een script een volledige leuning te laten genereren ;) Het kan ook gebruikt worden als afscherming langs een oever in een stad: op regelmatige afstand een paaltje, met daartussen enkele verbindingsstaven... zoiets... got it?






ps: Damn you quizzy, you should have given us a call so we could have beamed you up for sharing a pint. ;)

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okay.... now i know... the architect i work for never uses standard railings... they are designed, so not very useful for me such a tool.


ps: gent was 8:00 am little early for beer don't you think, and it was on saturday as well.... maybe next time i'm in gent... its only 200 km..


[ July 17, 2002, 07:21 AM: Message edited by: quizzy ]

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