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You Posted Here thread markers

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Oh hey cool! Things have been bugging me and here I get a spot to talk about it!! :D


First off-- there needs to be something to show a user which threads they've posted to. On CGtalk this takes the form of little black dots on the envelope icon next to the thread. Makes it MUCH easier to keep track of what threads you're talking in.


Besides that, it's nice to have a little indicator of who made the most recent post in a thread-- these exist on the forum categories, but not inside the forums themselves. This makes it MUCH easier to tell if replies have been made to something you posted in. ie... if there's a dot on the envelope, and the name at the end of the thread isn't yours, then you should go see what's been said!


There are a few things here that I like a lot-- for instance, the smileys and URL and IMG tags get entered AT the cursor. This is not the case on CGtalk, and that's HIGHLY annoying, I was very happy when I saw how it works here. I also like the way Quotes show up in posts, cleanly highlighted and they don't take up a whole ton of space, which is nice. I'm also rather fond of the lightbulbs! :)

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I also like the email feature that informs one whenever someone posted in a topic one started. Unfortunately, this only counts for the starter of a new topic... --> A 'watch this thread' list with automatic email feature would be soooo nice... ;)





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No this is the same as Sticky Threads. It's a new feature that got added this weekend during the 6.5.0 upgrade. Should only be avialble to administrators and should probablybe limited to special announcements.


Originally posted by nisus:

Just discovered the 'feature topic' button at the bottom of the posts... Nice! Does this checkbox sents out mails automatically?





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By default you get emails sent, but you can uncheck the checkbox before you post if you don't want to receive email. This used to be the standard, but many people wanted it to be on all the time, so I switched it.


Originally posted by Gnarly Cranium:

My problem with email notifications is that I post so MUCH that my email fills up in notime! I like having a 'list of subscribed threads', but I HATE getting emails... yet it seems to be all or nothing, can't have it both ways. Bah.

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