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my wishes for cga2

Guest hajer

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hi jeff

I,must say that CGarchitect has been my homepage

for a wile... the news section and the gallery

are my favorit pages ...her are my wishes for the upcoming new version of the site:


1- u need to reconsider the way the logo and the color theme are designed , maybe a design competion can solve this problem .


2. the news section layout also need to be reorgnized .. smaller picture an less empty space and narow colums and bolder headlines are commen

desing theme in many portal website..


3.I think there are too many forums ... wip and

finished forum could be compined into one critq

forum ,news and annaousment can joined into general discusion .....etc

the rule here is that " too many clicks scares away aloot of lazy reader lik me"


that sit jeff good luck

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I prefer too many click to 100 topics in a single forum

I like the forum as this , maybe the main page need a littl more design, but the content is very good . maybe in the Top need a link to the forums. and Jeff you have thought about an Applet for an IRC inside of the pagina?

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Hi all,


I think hayer got a good point on the white space of the front page. This can be designed more compact. The content should not change of course, because it rocks.


I prefer more forums that are well organised over one big mess... I also like the idea of putting the newest topic on top instead of the other way around ;)





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