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Hi Jeff


Something i'd like to see as standard and compulssary is the filling out of your registration form fully and correctly.


in the last 2 days or so an awfull lot of new members have joined giving absolutely NO details or info away what so ever. I think this is completely wrong.


When i'm talking or replying to ppl i personally like to know at least the person's name and e-mail address and other tid bits of info about them. makes it more personal and intimate.


i do not like talking to annonomous voices.


i understand the need for privacy if you feel it, but come on, dont be paranoid and individual about things. this is a community to share things, not keep things private, especially ppl's names!!!


I for one dont take much notice of ppl who hide behind annonimitty.


so please can filling out your registration bio be made compullsary, else registration be rejected.


[ September 17, 2002, 02:55 AM: Message edited by: STRAT ]

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I agree, however the problem is that the forum does not allow me to force people to make their email address' public. Thus the private message utility. Also, Beleive it or not during registration there are no first and last names fields by defualt, so I have just added them and made them required. You must now also provide Occupation and Interests. Lastly, and something I probably should have done from the start, is make vailid email address a requirment. This is enforced by sending the intitial username and passsword to you which you can they modify. No vaild email no posting.


Aanyway I'm going to send out a mass email to all board members to aske that they update their profiles. Anybody who doesn't or who has not posted in the last 6 months will have their profile deleted. This is something that needs to be done as routine maintenance anyway.


Before I send the email are their any other fields that you see as a requirement? Keeping in mind that registartion should be relatively fast.

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the ability to include more info in your profile is fine, but making it compulsory is a bit overboard.


Most of you know my name even though my screen name is only kid. I'm not against the idea of being more forthcoming, but to descriminate against those who wish to maintain a certain level of anonymity is a off, in my opinion.


my 2c.

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I disagree. Discreet for example has made it mandatory for users to only use their Real Names in posts (no aliases aloud and is strictly enforced) As I am one of Discreet's Forum assistants I know this is a very good way to enure people keep a certain level of professionalism. By hiding entirely behind an alias some feel it is easier to post nonsense and get away with things you would normally not do in a face to face conversation. I'm not suggesting that anybody thus far has acted in a non professional manner, but this board is growing quickly and I need to ensure that this level continues. Also this IS a community so I feel that by providing your name and a little bit about yourself adds to this endevor. If people don't want to share this little bit of information, then they have probably come to the wrong forum.

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IMHO, anonymity can be liberating and fun, but at times it can also make your typical well-mannered person behave a little rash at times. I’ve seen a couple of boards have people do this. And I have even caught myself doing this once or twice before I reminded myself that, yes, there is a real flesh and blood person on the other end of this conversation, so I better watch what I say. If I wouldn’t say it to their face, I shouldn’t be typing it in a public forum either.


This is not to implicate anyone on this board of doing this, and Kid I have never thought that you have behaved in a poor manner on this BB either. But I do see Jeff’s point. The BB seems to be growing fast. I’d hate to see some “unknowns” just drop on the board, spout off their opinions anomalously, and then dash away without any real consequence to them besides being banned from the BB. People like that just leave a bad taste in your mouth.


We have a real nice family here. Let's make sure that a little leaven doesn't spoil our whole loaf. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,


I think there is simply no reason to do things anonymously if you do 'the right thing'. To hide your identity can provoke disbehaviour in some way. It's a cheap trick to put on a mask to say the things that you normally would not dare to in public. I wonder why people 'need' this so often... I suggest they'd make themselve happy instead.






ps: Strat, good idea to change this. Jeff, tnx you did! ;)

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