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Missing lines in Vray rendering

Tim Nelson

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Wondering if I could get some help from Vray users out there. Here is my work in progess, which is coming along ok. But what I noticed in this test render is that certain buckets are leaving out part of the images, mostly seems to be where there should be black lines. And then the bucket rendered right next to it is fine.


Can anyone offer some suggestions?


Heres' the full image




And here's the missing pieces





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Timm...are the missing lines geometry or bitmap? Try taking Hsph. subdivs to 60 and your secondary subdivisions to 10. See what happens. Also amke sure your bitmaps, if your using them, are set to crop, even if they are not cropped just check it on. Hope that helps.

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geometry or bitmap, the culprit when it comes to missing fine details is usually the AA settings. Try rendering in single frame mode using Medium preset and try -3, 2 in your min/max adaptive subdivision settings. -4,4 & using the catmul-rom filter will bring out the details at the cost of higher render times.

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