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Bump map/skylight problem


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Hi all,


Im having some problems with bump mapping a mesh while lighting my scene with an skylight. Im trying to bump some cylindrical pancakes, yes that's right pancakes ;-), lol. They are textured using a cellular map, and also for the bump mapping a celllar map wich i first just copied. When i render the bumps didn't render so i tried different maps, changing the color to b/w for the cellular map, increasing bump amount etc etc. After that i deleted the skylight just to decrease rendertime and BAMM my bumps showed up, so why is it that when i add a skylight (just one skylight in the scene, shadow cast on) my bumps dont render.


Anyone has some insight in this ?? (using max 6, scanline btw)



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Bump maps don't render with skylight only, because light is coming from all directions (remember that bump map is not geometry). So instead use displacement or add some normal lights (e.g. Sun). Also notice that bump shows slightly where another objects are nearby (just put a sphere on your panckake and rerender).

This is a common "problem" with all renderers, no one can do it :)

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