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marketing portfolio


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This is a take off of an existing thread about marketing our portfolios to architects. I'm interested in seeing what most of you use as promotional material, ie large postcard,8.5x11 brochure, 4 page cataloge, 8 page cataloge etc.

I would like to avoid spending big money on a cataloge because hopefully 6 months from now, it will be somewhat obsolete because of new and improved images.

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i use A4 prints on paper photo

high quality images

in transparent sheets in a nice ring binde (same type as models or fashion designer use as press-book in france)

that's not 'original' but it looks good

allows to easily reprint new images

and change em in book

without spending lot of money

use to have website too (currently down 4 a few days)


so they can see more work and see it again so i don't need to leave em a 'brochure' i can't affoard for now....

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At Smoothe we send/leave behind any of the following:


1. Leather portfolio with clear page inserts with latest renderings

2. DVD/CD with latest or feature projects

3. Copy of our profile (a 60 page perfect bound profesionally printed book) featuring our scope of services and our most note worthy projects.

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Smooth, that sounds pretty expensive. I like the idea of sending them a cd, but I wonder how many people actually take the time to look at it. I think with hard copy people, for the most part, can't help but notice at least the cover of the material.


In terms of the 60 page booklet, is this something you "lend" them or is it theirs to keep.

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reading jeff's post i have to precise i'm independent freelancer.... and starter (few month of activity) most here seem to be huge companies salaries or sumetin' like dat



Thanks for your reply, sounds like you are talking about showing your portfolio in person, what do you use in terms of mailing examples of your portfolio.

do u have a website?

if no get one (even on free pages)

send a small mail with 2 or 3 images inserted (depending on activity of people whow ill get mail.;.. houses to house builders, different types building to architectes....) and links to ur site

with some commercial sexy written blabla.....

so they seee images directly in mail

maybe come to ur site


after that (2or 3 days) i give a phone call (many many phone calls)


if we're talking about a client u already touched and need to send work create some nice pdf & email...


never did animation

not real business of architectural anim in france... so small market..

so no need of cd or dvd

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the phone is the best weapon i think

i use it really much

so people will open mail if they didn't (u can even send anoter one while conversation....)

i live in big city of paris so i do move a lot to meet people too...

i can't afford sending brochures by postal mail... i knowpeople who do it but i'm not even sure it's more sure being read that e-mail

i've seen so many peops throwing away immediatly all letters they didn't waited for....so much thrash commercial comes everyday with professional mail!


resuming my strategy is

mail linking to website (hope it will be up soon....)

then phone call after 2 or 3 days

send mail gain if needed

then sometimes go to client office

(mostly if unexpected....)



oh lookin at ur site

ur in very specific market...

very nice work... (very small critic : maybe u could change pic on 2 different screens..)

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I too am intersted in finding out what everyone else does to market their services.

Recently I forwarded my web address to a friend in an arch. firm and he passed it along to his boss. In turn, I think they may be interested in my services, but I was asked to send hard copies. I think people just like to have something tangeable they can hold in their hands to look at.


I'm planning on putting together a 3-4 page booklet with printed images and a small description of my services and my background. I'll probably include one letter size print and the rest will be small.

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i never give away anything before i met peops (if geographicaly possible)

so i can judge em (don't think u would say it this way in english ...)

no useless money spending...lol


(but as soon as i can -money dpending of course - i'll get a booklet professionaly printed and some flyers too....)

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I am curious too. I've tried both sending and calling, and so far it's been 50/50 where I get the responses. I know a lot of people want something to hold and put on file, so I send postcards. Relatively cheap, quick, and you can use them again and again, and print more as necessary.

I know of at least one other well respected Arch Viz firm that does this.


They can request a CD and see the website, all printed on the card. So far, only one person has requested the CD (which is old and needs to be reworked).


Emailing is also decent, but you'll get a lot of people annoyed.

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Emailing is also decent, but you'll get a lot of people annoyed.
I definetly agree with this. If the amount of email I see from people soliciting their rendering services to me via email is any indication. I delete 99% of it as soon as I see it. Personally, unless its a hardcopy mailed to me I don't pay much attention to it. I think the same woudl probably apply to potential clients as well.
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...If the amount of email I see from people soliciting their rendering services to me via email is any indication. I delete 99% of it as soon as I see it...


haha. and i was just going to ask for a job. but you probably don't need a receptionist anyway...


but seriously, how effective is sending out hardcopy portfolios to architects in one's locality?


i have never actively sought illustration work, most of it comes from my profs recommending me to local architects who have close relationships with the university, competition submissions and the like...and i don't take my website seriously at all...


but school will be over one day, so i've got to start thinking about these things, plus i'll be moving to a brand new country (canada! - it's only brand new to me, not saying it's just been put there haha) where i'll know nothing about the day to day quirks and goings on of the architecture industry.

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