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file recovery problems


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  siliconbauhaus said:
I had a file crash on me yesterday ( was doing some undos and it locked up)


I can recover the file but it hangs up on regenerating the model.


Does anyone have a suggestion or know of a better recovery tool? I've tried all the usual acad options.



Can you stop it from regen-ing? If so, maybe you could export it to a new file in hopes of bypassing the corrupt part.


Try opening the file in a non-Autodesk product. Other apps can often open ACAD files ACAD cannot.

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Thanks for the replies.


I tried halting the regen and blocking it out but I cant open or insert the new file. Looked all over the place for the autosave files to no avail and the IT department goofed on the backup arrrgh


I just remembered that I saved a version locally so I dont have to redo it all at least.

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yes. always click the save...

i lost so much stuff in the past... all becuase of big files usually. i had too many xref, and when i was switching from paperspace to model space. it was memeory overload. i now try to just keep things as simple as possible. if i can temporarily freeze xrefs that i don't have to look at to make a drawing and just need them in the final version. then wheneverything is done and such. and i'm already in pspace then i unfreeze those layers. you might also want to do a purge command if some files are big. just to make them smaller wherever possible. that was a big prob for me when i was running the cad LT version. now i have 2004 full and i'm doing alright.

but i did upgrade my ram considerably - i think it really helps. especially if you just have a regular desktop computer. i have a dell :) .


what version are you running and how much ram? did you get any.. (not enough virtual memory error messages?

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