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AutoCAD to 3dmax 5


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I need to know how to take Autocad files and use them in 3d max 5.

Have never used AutoCAd, but I don't see how it could be that hard. Do I just import a dxf file? Will it import nice and clean or will the mesh get messed up?



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There's various options from the AutoCad and Max sides.

You can export to 3ds or dxf in AutoCad or import dwg or dxf (and, obviously 3ds) in max.

The two programs generally work quite well together depending on how the model was made (e.g. solids don't import as well as faces.)

I'm not an expert with max but I think that's your options so try these out and see what works best.

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I would recommend using the File Link Manager, especially if you work in a design environment where a lot of changes take place. The FLM tends not too flip normals around if you use AutoCad solids. You cannot open .dwg files directly in Max.

Curves in the FLM are handled the ACIS surface deviation - a lower number (.125" or so) brings the model in with smooth curves.

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There are 2 methods to get file-link function into Max5.

1. Viz4copytools : You have to get both viz4 and max5 installed.Then viz4copytools copy all VIZ4 functions into max5.

2. Design extensions for max5 : a stand along extension for max5.

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