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mIRC: how can I wake them sleepy lads?


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hi all,


just a tip for everyone joining the #cgarchitect-channel on DALnet. You can set up a highlight - recognision of a word or phrase - so that you'll get noticed whenever someone types in this word/phrase. If you highlight your own nick, your mirc will start flashing, making noise, multiplying itself - nààààh not the latter - whenever someone types in your nick.


I suggest everyone to highlight his/her nick and/or give it a try on others too. No, I don't mean you should highlight the nick of someone else, but just to type in someone elses nick whenever you enter the channel. It's a way of saying hi, and alarming someone who has fallen asleep ;)


Try it on me, and I'll answer your call (if I am not a) asleep - b) suffering migraine - c) in a meeting... lol )






To set up a highlight: got to Options / Irc / highlight --> add


[ July 25, 2002, 03:54 PM: Message edited by: nisus ]

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