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A few weeks ago, prezcon posted an invitation in the Off Topic section of this Forum. Since then, a number of respondents made inquiries to prezcon about the said invite. Filipinos CG artists both in the Philippines and abroad (specifically the Architect ones) were sent with the following documents:

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Fortunately, the thread where prezcon's invitation was posted had already been removed.


My concern is, while prezcon's invitation seems to be posing as a publisher looking to showcase Architectural Renderings and visualisations from CG artists, the said documents, seem to be some sort of scam to collect designs from budding and some unknowing young architects to be used for what seem to be a publication of designs and plans of ready made homes. But without giving the appropriate information and compensation to the respondents. In which, i find very unprofessional and unbecoming of a Publisher.


It seems that what prezcon had everyone led to believe was that this upcoming publication was like EXPOSE where you submit existing work. Apparently this is not the case.


If prezcon was supposed to publish and promote architectural cg artists, the works he should have required the artists to submit should have been past works or best portfolio images of the artists and not solicit designs.


What do you guys think of this? I know this could be out of your concern(s) but i just had to know your opinion from an industry colleagues viewpoint.

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