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textures from 3dtotal.com

Jason Matthews

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Hi all, I was wondering if anyone bought a cd of textures from 3dtoal.com. I bought 2 cd's from them on Wednesday of this past week. I emailed them to ask them if they could email to let me know when they recieve payment and again when they ship the cd's, and I got no response. I have sent two emails and nothing. The payment went through on Thursday, I believe. I understand that they are in the UK, or something. Is this a promising business, or what. I don't mean to be pushy or slap anyone in the face, but business is business.




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Thank you for the reply Raymond. I just got an email from them today. The I bought them on Wednesday and they were shipped on Thursday. They take about 5 days to get to the U.S. Now I feel better knowing that there is someone else that bought something from them and got what they paid for.

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If you don't mind me asking...what e-mail did you use to contact them? I purchased some CD's last week; I e-mailed them to find out if the order has been processed and when they'll be shipping the CD's. However, my e-mails to them haven't gone through. I keep getting 'undeliverable' messages. (to tom@3dtotal.com and sales@3dtotal.com) I've tried from several accounts and I keep getting the same error message.




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