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Interactive presentation, what software to use?


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Ok, heres the deal, i was doing some renderings for a client, they were small "kiosks" and a restaurant that will be part of a park, the client alsao wanted to make a "tour" of the park, not an animatoin or walktrough, he wanted an "interactive presentation CD", the idea was to have an image of the park "floor plan", colorfull, and that you would b able to click in some points (red dots or something) and then the name of the restaurant or kiosk appears and you see the renderings of that spot, you get it?


Well, when he said that , i though about Flash to do it, but i didnt took the job because im not expert and it would have take me more time, so i didnt took the risk and all i did was the renders.


What software you'll use for a presentation like this one?, i know you can do it with flash, but maybe theres a specialized tool fo rthis kinda jobs. You know any?



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I used Flash for a presentation like this. You could use Director, too, but I prefer Flash. Either one would not be that hard for a simple presentation. I find Flash to be easier and more intuitive.


Sorenesen's Squeeze compression software for Flash works really well, too, if you want to add animations (although there are issues with playback, as of 8 months agon - not sure if they've been resolved).

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The simplest way may be regular ol' HTML. Make a webpage, use your plan graphics and define areas that are hyperlinked. You see this all the time on the web--a clickable map of the US to lead to subpages, etc.


Adobe GoLive or any of dozens of regular web software can do this. The result can be put on the CD and you know it will run on just about any computer.

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We're working on a presentation right now. What we do is put everything in a DVD and make the floorplan view as the main menu, Then users just choose where they want to go and then the assosiated "linked" video is then played on a portable player.


We're still using flash though, and sometimes Visual Basic.

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hi ya... nice material Sawyer... tanks. the interactive tool of 3ds max 6 is the 360º render... exported in quick time. you can see all the scene with interactiviti pointing with the mouse in the scream. its so easy to make it.

another optino that i thought was to use a game (half live) and make an scenari i order to walk trought the bulding. i think that the software is the world editor. or something like that.

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Here's a thought - use 3ds max and our sofwtare, rtre.


You'll see on the Turbo Squid website, that rtre is an Officially Certified by Discreet, plugin for 3ds max 6 and also works in VIZ4. Our software runs inside these applications and provides dynamic real time rendering for any model. You can Publish a scene to run standalone, so a kiosk is fine, and set up interaction as well using buttons on a skin. This way you can make all the content.


There is a demo to download from the following link (but Publisher isn't included). I suggest you download some example Published scenes from their site, and have a play - http://www.turbosquid.com. The link for use with 3ds max 4.2, 5, or 6 or with VIZ4 is:



Good luck


Steven Markham





rtre - Reviewed in 3DWOrld magazine May 2003 - 10/10 in every category

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