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Residential exterior


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Hi everyone,


This is my first attempt at using C4D for an exterior. I recently made the switch from LS and I'm still trying to figure this new program out. Anyway, I already have a list of changes I'd like to make, but I want to see what you guys have to say. I don't have much time left as the image is due on Thursday. Modeled in Acad and Sketcup, rendered in C4D (Radiosity)

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I really like the glass reflections. The thing i noticed first was the eye level being even with the patio. It would be nice to be up a bit higher. The stairs are not clear to me, are they curved? Being higher might help this also. Some patio furniture would look good and some furniture in the house, though not very noticable would give some life to the house, it looks vacant. Some flowers on the decks and planters on the patio would add some nice color. Nice overall feel and a good clean model of the house. Very nice for your first exterior.



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Modeled in Acad and Sketcup, rendered in C4D (Radiosity)


I tried this before but it didn't work out for me. Did you do all the modeling in ACAD? Or was it half with ACAD and the other with Sketchup? Can you use solids in ACAD then use it Sketchup?



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The client started the model in Acad and it was in solids. I finished the model in Sketchup. I had to export the CAD file as 3ds which basically explodes all the solids. But everything was modeled in separate layers, so it wasn't a problem once I brought it into Sketchup. Once the model was complete I exported as 3ds and brought it into C4D.


(The reason being that I ended up modeling in sketchup was because the client wanted those style drawings as well and it was easy for me to finish the model there)

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