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if cgarchitect.com can make one architect visualization book like Expose:)


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I agree, most books are either out of date or only marginally relevant. A book that was full of architectural CG and didn't contain any Poser ladies with pneumatic boobs would be a must have. I guess that as well as covering pure architectural CG it could also tie in some related stuff such as game environments or matte painting.


How about it Jeffrey?

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Well I personally can't do something like that due to the costs involved, but there will more than likely be an arch viz book from Balistic in the neear future that we will be involved with.


Creating a book like the ones Balistic does ,costs tens of throusands in up front costs and months of planning and logistics support. Ballistic already has the infrastructure there so it's best that I colloborate with them.

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I understand where Chen is coming from.

I quite often wander through Borders bookstore in Edinburgh when my wife is in Gap or whatever and I inevitably end up wandering between the Kids, Computing and Art/Architecture sections.

There are some fantastic glossies on Architecture and Design but I've yet to see a single book about Visualisation. Very disappointing.

Could really do with a sequel to 'The Gruffalo' too!


Little snapshot of my weekend for you:)

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There are some fantastic glossies on Architecture and Design but I've yet to see a single book about Visualisation. Very disappointing.


I did get hold of a book on "digital architecture" about four years ago but it was very, very lame. Unfortunately, I was just too busy to send it back to Amazon so I had to keep it in the end. When articles on 3D or IT appear in architectural magazines they are also pretty dull affairs. The articles are usually characterised by the quality of work being pretty average or they are written by an architect telling the world how clever he is because he bought a G5 and its better than any other computer because it looks nicer.


An expose type book on Architectural CG would be great if it really did happen. Any idea if this is definitely going ahead Jeff and if so, any idea when?

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I did get hold of a book on "digital architecture" about four years ago but it was very, very lame.

I have that one too. i was excited at first but in the long run,the book died together with the enthusiasm of reading it. It would be a good help if it was released long before on its actual release.


Anyways, a book like expose can really open the eyes of the public. Its not only those big firms are capable of doing CG but smaller firms can do it as well. But, indeed, Jeff is right, it needs really deep pockets for a book to be produced.


Just my thoughts, God bless

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i saw EXPOSE2,EXPOSE2 selected my 3 works in it,i am very happy,but i can not say anything about it,all are like Environment3d style

i guess the EXPOSE maybe will cut Architectural category in the furture

if ballisticpublishing want make sigle Architectural book,hehe,hope it

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Hi Chen


Great idea about the Arch-Viz book. We also got our image in Expose1 and 2, but sadly when some of our clients sees the book they sort of don't want to purchase them because of the great number of naked female (3d) images inside.

Can't really show them to any potential clients either because of that. Got to go real length explaining what to expect inside before they look inside, just to avoid any harassment issue.


Arch Viz & Environment 3d should belong to more specific group of cg. Separate from Character, Sci-Fi, and Fantasy.

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  • 6 months later...

I have both Exposé 1 & 2 and although the technical quality is superd (both the renderings and the design of the book itself) it clearly shows the weaknesses of this small industry: lousy sci-fi and testosteron-oriented fantasy. The amount of fighting robots and lara-croft wanabees is rather high...


I have shown the first exposé book to my colleagues (most of them architects, like myself) and it got not much attention, because of the other content.


A good Architectural-visualisation book should look and feel more like a real architectural design-magazine, but it'll probably only appeal to a small market.


I think Ballistic Publishing is indeed a good candidate to make one. And there is enough quality to fill it from cover to back: here on CGArchitect but there is very good stuff in the 3D-Total galleries (the scenes) too.

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hi There




well lets do The Obvious and start a Thread

of how many peoples here at cgarchitect.com


would contribute To This 3d cg endeavor

both by submitting and also by indicating Their Willingness to BUY a BOOK


when It comes out


just a wild Idea


ok you Start The Thread (i dont want to assume your overload)





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An architectual book from Ballistic is likely on the way. A book of this quality, or any book for that matter, is simply beyond my means right now as it would take upwards of $20,000 upfront to do a small book run.


A book?


No, no, no no no. No.



Been there, done that. Jeff is right, it is an expensive proposition. The New York Society of Renderers has published four (soon to be five) of these, I was in charge of two. I refer you to my comments above. The NYSR books are advertizing vehicles. Each artist is buying a page or pages. The book is paid for by those that are in it. Each page has been in the US$1500 - $2000 range, and much of the work has been by volunteers (like me). In the last book I did and the new one, we have had lowered costs in printing and have hired professional designers to do much more of the work, but you still have a budget that is in the US$50K - $100K range, and we are only distributing in the Greater New York City market. It costs more to distribute nationally or world-wide.


To anyone who says they want to see a book of arch-vis I would ask how much money are you willing to put up, and how much of your own un-paid time?



A CD is a much more realistic concept, by the way. But customers like books better. And is the idea to get work or just impress our collegues?

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As i have just begun to touch on this area of medelling, i would be most interested in any book that would help improve my experience in any way. I currently have one now for AutoCAD, it helps for learning the interface and stuff so far, but i have glanced ahead and it does not seem to go into the actual creation of an Architectural project. And as of yet i have not really found anything that looks like it would help me there. SO it looks like until i can get some help from someone around me, or until a book DOES come out, i am on my own.

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As i have just begun to touch on this area of medelling, i would be most interested in any book that would help improve my experience in any way. I currently have one now for AutoCAD, it helps for learning the interface and stuff so far, but i have glanced ahead and it does not seem to go into the actual creation of an Architectural project. And as of yet i have not really found anything that looks like it would help me there. SO it looks like until i can get some help from someone around me, or until a book DOES come out, i am on my own.

An Architectural Visualisation book is not an AutoCAD tutorial!


I suggest you to search for ADT-books (e.g. the one by Paul Aubin).


The cost of a book is high and the architectural visualisation market is maybe not that big as the whole market Exposé was targeting, but I hope that they can make something.


I would probably not be able to contribute with the content, but I'd definitely buy one if it's in the same price range as the Exposé books.

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well... I don't know about you, but I DO got books on cga-only! Not too many, you can count them on both hands (even one I think) but they are available...


BUT... a ballistic-like book would be SOOO great!!! No boobs or poser-babes in it... wonderful! (Don't get me wrong, I do like boobs, but not while working! ... hum... well this is a lie of course, but I guess you know what I mean...)


I've personally been talking to the guys at Taschen to release a CGA-book too... but it's kind of on hold... (for too long imho)





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BUT... a ballistic-like book would be SOOO great!!! No boobs or poser-babes in it... wonderful! (Don't get me wrong, I do like boobs, but not while working! ... hum... well this is a lie of course, but I guess you know what I mean...)

I've personally been talking to the guys at Taschen to release a CGA-book too... but it's kind of on hold... (for too long imho)

Taschen did release a book with virtual boobs ;)

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in autolisp the following expression would evaluate as an "invalid dotted pair"




(.) (.)




or if you are Britney Spears, Then "boo + BS" =




( . ) ( . )




sorry way off Topic


Saved from the bin... ;-^p


Off topic but great ,-)))





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