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Forum Speed/Reliability

Jeff Mottle

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I have just installed an app called WinEnabler to accelerate PHP on windows server. I'm doing this because the base install of PHP has been throwing quite a few errors lately which was leading to server instability. I'm not sure if that has translated into anything to end users, but I would really appreciate your feedback on this.


Do you notice any difference in performance as of April 16 10pm MST?

Do you see any errors, or problems?

Were you seeing any errors or problems between April 9 and April 15?



Thanks guys. This is an expensive app that is on eval for the next few weeks, so I apreciate any feedback you can provide.

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Hi Jeff,


I started getting this message yesterday whenever I try to log out:

"An error occurred while attempting to log you out. Click here to log out."


Following the instructions successfully logs me out though.

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