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3ds max & autodesk viz


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hi i currently use 3d studio max 3.1, im thinking of switching over to viz. it's hlaf the price of max 5 and it seems its more commonly used in architectural rendering.what i want to know is how different the two are? is it a big difference? or is there just a few things i would have get use to?

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well just make a list of what you use in MAX, and then compare it to 3dsVIZ... I did it once and because there were a few things that VIZ didn't have we bought max4, like video post, particle systems, and so on... And I have to admit that I'm a max-man from the beginning (started with MAX1.2) and I didn't want some unforeseen unpleasant surprises when using VIZ...

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having seen you images, you have a good grasp of max prior to gi. Your modelling and material usage is really good so either way you are going to be able to produce some nice gi stuff. From what i gather, the max 5 gi is a more solid option giving slightly beter results but for the price, i think that you will like what you can get from viz.


Also, i'm not sure what you model in but it is a bit more advantageous for achitectural AEC stuff and the file linking through ADT etc.


If you can aford it, i think everyone here would go for max 5 though, just cos you can! lol

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Hi zappazorn,


I'd recommend max5, because noone wants to work with a stripped down version like viz4? The renderer being slow, many features not available (video post, particles,...) etc.


I'd always felt lots of doubt on viz, because it was a stripped down version, which means that many times, you can't achieve what you really want... I don't know about viz' future too, because all the layering stuff is incorporated in max5 too...


Our firm will change from max3.1 to max5 soon.





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I THINK the future of VIZ is to be integrated in Autodesk Revit (next release). Because now it has an accurender engine. I've seen the demo videos in the revit site and I like it. just need VIZ5 :)


(For those CG artists here... Revit is for architects. you have to use max. not revit ;) and model in MAX of course.... no CAD please...

excuse me.. but I know all of you like to model in max. that's because you don't know to model in cad... I'm sure.. but this is discussed in another thread in this forum)


conclusion? MAX for CG artists. and VIZ for architects.


greetings :)

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