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The only reason I ask is, I like to traul the web looking at the types of work companies are putting out. When trauling the web I noticed that these web sites had some of the same work on them. I had also seen some work very similar to theres on some chinese websites. The work looks good but I was interested whether they outsourced there work as some of the animations are not U.S based.

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It is good work but unfortunately I can't say it's mine-that was done by the consultant Architects who are a big outfit themselves and the individual who did it posted that image in the gallery here.

Taylor Woodrow only undertake a very small amount of design work(none on the construction projects such as Glasgow Harbour)because it's such a huge concern but without the technical staff to match.


Strat-is that Taylor Woodrow or Bryant Homes? Don't worry, just curious.

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