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Question about cad

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Hi everyone I am somewhat new to cad and I am trying to let someone view a WIP but it appears that the only way I can show my work via internet is to screenshot it. It is a 2d line drawing please help, what is the best way to show someone what you are working on if they don't have autocad? I am currently using autocad 2002 thank you

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A screenshot is fine. Or, you can print to Adobe Acrobat Distiller and send them a vector file (very small, you can zoom in a lot without the image breaking up). Autodesk also has a format for doing what you are asking about, but I don't use ACAD so I cannot tell you about that. I hope someone else will.

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Acrobat has been a lifesaver as far as thats concerned. It is the only thing I use to email people without cad. How many of your clients are actually going to visit the Autodesk website and download the viewer, then try to figure out how it works? Well maybe some would, but I don't want to, and I've been using Autocad for years! In the past, using Voloview was never a pleasant experience. I don't know much about the dwf viewer now, but with Acrobat, you definitely know what that they will see it the way you do with correct lineweights & fonts. Plus you can zoom & pan on large pdfs with lots of detail in it.

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yes sad but true acrobat id probably the best way for you on a wide platform


i've worked on two major (several hundred million pound (sterling) projects in the past four years with my architects head on and being paperless office projects (yeah right) acrobat is the base line for getting drawings and in fact virtually any document out into areas where people need to see a document but not edit or redline it etc

i still thinks acrobat sucks though and still have no got used to the v6 version since they moved the icons around

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How can you convert into PDF's file from DWG's file?


You must have bought the full version of Acrobat (Datacad has PDF writing buit-in, Acad SHOULD--ask Autodesk for it!). Acrobat, and the module you need, Distiller, are installed as virtual printers. You set up a print in Acad and select Acrobat or Distiller as the printer, set all up as if it were going to paper, the file will be written as .pdf Done.

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My office uses the PDF format as well, it is very common. I remember not too long ago using Adobe Acrobat to create PDF's from DWG files was a very new and cool thing. When I learned about this and tried it at my last job, the managers were so happy. Clients were asking for something by email, but it was hard using screenshots as text would be too small for example.


I believe there are free products out there that create PDF's as well. Not sure on the names, but I have come across them on Google. Perhaps do a search and see what you find. We don't use DWF or any AutoDesk solution, as someone has posted already, many clients do not or cannot install new programs on their computer. If you need to do screenshots, and you're lucky to have the Express Tools installed in AutoCAD, click Full Screen in the menu first. Then take the screenshot with your drawing zoomed at full extent. It's the cheapest way! Good luck. ;)

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