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Shivering display

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Here's a weird one!


yesterday I noticed that everything on my display was 'visually' shivering. At that time I was rendering and it was very hot. I checked my CPU temps and they were 72 degrees! I opened up the window and the PC case to cool them dowm. It eventually went away. It happened again later when working in PS, but the temps were around 60 degrees.


OK, I thought it must be an overheating issue. But, this morning my screen did the same again straight after boot up. It only lasts a minute or two.


Nothing has changed, so it can't be a magnetic field problem from other nearby devices.


Anyone have any idea?

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Apart from one Welsh friend(who drinks like a fish) my only experience of you Taffs is blind drunk rugby fans who swarm Edinburgh every time there's an International on.


The English are just as bad(especially the ones who were born here).


And we all know what the Irish are like-hey I've just found something we all have in common!

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