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A Quartz Crystal Wall...


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My client has designed a "Light Well" space that he would like me to model and render for him. The light well will cast light in the space throughout the day.


It is a very vertical type of space: L17' X W56' X H57'.


The walls will by gypbd, with white paint. They are going to "sandblast" these quartz crystals to the walls over this clear adhesive. The idea here is that when light hits these walls, they will have a sparkling effect.


Does anyone have any ideas on how to create this effect? My initial ideas were to create the sparkles in Photoshop, but maybe I can create a material with a high specular value that might show the 'sparkles'.


Any ideas?



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You could create a very small polygon shape, then use the scatter tool to distribute it about the wall surface. The shape could have a self-illumination (possibly with a camera-direction-based falloff to simulate sparkels in an animation), and maybe a glow effect?


Disclaimer: This is just an idea. This is not necessarily a GOOD idea.

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