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Is the price right?

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i'm really getting ticked off about the poor content on product area on websites


ie piranesi...what's the price?

ie architectual studio...what's the price?


what are they hiding and why!


if you go to th maya site the price is half you screen size!


if you go to the newtek site samer there..it's "the" thing that's in your face....


it's really winding me up when i get a link to a "mew" or updated product and fail to find a price for it...with the paranesi example i followed the link to the u.k site where it simply looped back to the main parainesi site when i clicked i wanted in fo in buying it!




how can evaluate a product with no price or basic price guide....


is product "a" $1 or $1billion???


if they can't sort a price on the website..stuff 'em


bye bye


steve g

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i dont think they 'hiding' the high cost from you atall. your local re-seller will usually distribute software at a slightly different price than the mother firm. go to they're web site.


btw, i was browsing through Autodesks main web site this afternoon and they got full ordering info/prices available there. just look more carefully, im sure the prices are there.

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well they do hide the price 'cause i didn't "stumble" on it anywhere?

auto desk has pricing in their shop area but not for arch studio...

rather than waste a percentage of my remaing days on this planet searching how about that link you "found"!


i'm tring to cmapare it to sketchup but without a price...i can't .


as for contacting a reseller..


i'm not buying it/ordering it till i can "see" what it costs and to me talking to a reseller is the last stage not the first stage in purchasing a product.


how do you buy cars?

they put prices on them!

Hmmm good idea!


i'm emailing both autodesk and the people who make paranesi their attitude is not customer focussed.


steve g

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