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still learning


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this is really just more practicing. different image, different lighting solution. more understanding. Finally learned the dadgum glow effect!



Nice looking chrome too!

I also modeled the entire thing in max as well!

Pretty soon My autocad will be used for nothing but Construction docs!



glad to take some c&c's on this image

I used 3D max 6 and vray on this.

actually for this room i did the same room, same materials and textures in mental ray, vray, and max radiosity just for comparison sake.

so any comments are greatly appreciated. im havin a ball!



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You have a bad tangent in your image. The far, length edge of you table seems to be lining up with the bottom of the windows. It was more confusing in the first image, but either have the edge visually above or below the table edge.


Overall nice job!



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