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VRML using 3ds max


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I am trying to make a vrml project using 3ds max. I have a model with lights and textures applied. When I export it as wrl, the glass and steel materials do not show correct.

Also I want to know what is render to texture and uv unwrapping as i have seen these terms used with reference to vrml.

I would highly appreciate links and tutorials on this subject.



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render to texture is, i believe, another way to say "baking". it means that when you use a shader (esp a procedural one) inside of your 3D app (i don't use Max, btw, i use Maya), on export to something like .wrl you have to "bake" the texture to the surface of that object. that's cuz, while your program - Max - might understand it's shader, VRML or some other format won't understand it. "baking" it turns that shader into a texture map (picture) tied to the object's geometry.


brings us to UV mapping. when you bake that shader to the object, the location of each pixel is tied to a coordinate on the object. a flat image is usually layed out X,Y. 3D space is X,Y,Z. but the object is complex. only way to set coordinates is ON the surface.....U's and V's.


btw, you can "bake" more than just the shader on the object. "Lightmappers" bake the light/dark on an object to a separate texture image. that's how most all game engines work (new one's will dispense with lightmaps to generate "real" shadows).


think i got all that right. for the best help on this subject, check out some game "skinning" sites or cg forums like CGTalk or CGChat.

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