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interactive scene on PS2/DVD


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Hi guys.


Something Im trying to find out how to do is getting a 3ds max scene to save out on to a DVD so it can be viewed on a DVD player/PS2?


The VRML format is ok, but not very good quality. I want to export it out so the client can move around in the environment. A very cool utility I think you'll all agree.


I was thinking that if you can make a Unreel tornament character/environment in max then you could somehow export the scene in the same way and view it using the games engine?


Im not holding out much hope of doing this, as Im sure if it could be done, It would be documented a lot!

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almost positive this can be done for PC. doubt you can do it for PS2 without a devkit. it's possible Blender has a path to the PS2. and it has a built in game engine. might check it for options.

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Thanks for the head up on Quest3d. Downloaded the demo, and it looks pretty cool. Some of the demo movies are just what im looking for.


I cant see that any GI will work with this solution. Just standard lights.


But Ill keep looking!

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