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Has anyone tried Speedtree with VRay? how it's looking? Any good?

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what will you be using speed tree for?

if you are only gonna be using few trees here and there and you want good detail for closeups and animation then its a good choice and for that work it works fine with vray and the render speed is quite good

however if you want to use speed tree to really populate your scenes with trees ( more than 100 trees ) then i would suggest to forget about it

i m mainly doing very big masterplans which need 400 trees and above(1000+ most of the times) and i ve bee having major problems with it. there is a bug that can result in very bad results and crashes.

somehow i m always ending up to the good old trusted method of billboard trees ( 4 plane crosses with reduced visibility)

i m waiting for the new version of vray to see if the problems continue with speed tree otherwise...

kind regards


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I have it and have moderate feelings for it. I think the rendered image is not photo real quality if that is what you want. And I have noticed a bug on animations where the planes used for the leaves don't follow the camera and you end up with a barren tree at 180 degrees.


Another thing to keep in mind is that you cannot collapse to poly or mesh so you cannot edit the tree on a subobject level and remove branches that are hitting other geometry. You can create rules for trees to follow in seed creator program (cad tree I think it's called) but if you are landscaping a building you may find the drip lin is inside your walls.


Ultimatly I think it does certain things well. I like how easy it is to use and if you are not close up the effect is pretty good. I just hope they rebuild it soon so it fixes these bugs.

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i tried it and was not too happy with it.

i was really annoyed by a bug that didn't let me use european units and comma symbol. ( , instead of .)

i had to change it globally in the windows control panel in order to be able to use speedtree, which isn't acceptable for me in the long term, since i use an european keyboard too.

this bug wasn't fixed with 2.0, and i reported it, if i remember right.


besides from that the quality of the trees doesn't convince me. you see repeating patterns in the leaves and the memory consumption and speed hit is quite massive.

for now i keep using bitmaps for trees.

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