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School bus

Tim Nelson

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Yikes! Those are kind of pricey. I might invest a little, but probably not that much. Chances are I won't be needing to use the model much after this.



What resolution? These things are fairly common.


And since when is Pheonix in Norway?


HA! Its my daily commute. I work here and then go home to snowboard in the evenings. No...not really. I was just messing around with those and Norway is where all my old family is from. I was going to take it off one day but once I had a flag selected, it wouldn't let me take it off. Everybody knows I live in Arizona so I didn't see the point of putting on a U.S. flag.


Well anyways...After getting my camera finally selected, I realized I can't afford to put a school bus in the scene because it would block too much.


Now on this project I know for SURE that I didn't charge nearly enough. Lesson learned: never give a quote for a project you haven't seen any drawings for and know nothing about. And if you do, make sure its about double what you think you would normally charge. I promise I'll get better.

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