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Photorealistic instruction wanted and needed


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I would like to suggest a Forum for information relating to courses, workshops, education in CG ( architecture etc etc ).


I have worked in a haphazard way with Max and Brazil for a year and really would like to be able to make renderings like the ones here. http://www.osmosis.com.au/visualize/papershop_01.htm


Is there anyone in the world who has courses or private instruction that

is geared towards producing images with this level of photo realism.


I am willing able to invest 2-4 months full time anywhere in the world to do that. An pointers would be immensely helpful. Thanks




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hi sanjay,


its good that u have dedicated couple of months only to learn lighting, as most people do not, anyway i work for a ATC of discreet as a 3dsmax instructor, my piece of advise would be to contact any ATC in ur nearest city, and ask if they can teach VRAY, and radiosity, it would help you to create realistic lighting for exteriors and interiors,


above all the software, its ur visual approach to the rendering you are doing



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  • 2 weeks later...

hi There Sanj


if you live in NY Then are you any where near New Hampshire?

The Ted Boardman lives up in That neck of The woods (still US i Think)


read as much as you can


play as much as you can (with The software That is)

work as much as you can to eliminate the small stuff


sounds like you are Truly dedicated

and Then get some Class, with "The Ted"


The Ted's website is: http://www.tbmax.com/

The TEd's email link is: tedb@tbmax.com


check It out; not only is he a world-class Instructor but really

actually he is Santa Claus' younger brother, but dont Tell anyone


(That i said so)


your Christmas will come early This year if you Take classes with The Ted









"you're wired"

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