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What will make my(our) Visualization studio stand unique from others?


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It may be a very simple question but its been running in my mind for many weeks. Let me elaborate. For example, i have a Visualization studio, (architecture or medical or product) and my clients are architects, engineers, construction people, real estate people. They have already established themselves and are undertaking bulky freaky projects. Obviously the CAD architects for them have some basic 3d modeling knowledge and with that they extrude out the building. When we guys (3d architecture visualization experts) make stunning 3d visualizations with high resolution, high amount of detailing and realism and when we quote a budget which will be obviously higher than the models that the architects themselves make. The constructors and builders have just one answer to say. "What is the difference, you make the building more beautiful, and they just make the building, but we just need to show our clients (common people) the information, or the visual communication of how the buildings really look once it will be built. Both people convey the dimension and scale of the building, but you (visualization experts) show more detailing to it. But our clients(common people) just need to know the infra structure which the normal renderings will solve.


This is the response that i have been hit and sent out when i wanted to do some real good visualizations for any company.


>> Is there any better thing that we can do to stand out or bring more comfort and values from our services to our clients?

>> Is there any new generation of technology that we can implement with our products which will make companies to come to us for architectural renderings?


I just struck with one idea bulb recently!

Why can't we make 3d polarized or glass shutter walkthrough's. We can make all the real clients (common people) to sit in a theatrical setup with silver screens and polarized glasses and preview the walkthrough animation in real 3d and also in the same meeting distribute brochures and CD's of the content and visually struck the audience. This idea may have its own drawbacks too.


Can someone share wonderful ideas? so that we can develop new levels of business strategies.

Thanks folks, sorry for the long post.

Im very weak in explaining it short.




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So your client's don't see the value in high end visualization and they think a quick rendering will suffice? If that's the case then it's up to you to define exactly how your visualizations can bring value to the client. If your images cost 3X more than the base images they can create them selves then you have to show them how your work benefits them more than those base images do. I guess you could make a case that because your images are much more realistic they cut down on possible misunderstandings, or because they are photo real they increase acceptance of the project among the common people.

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Thanks for the advice Bro. :) will surely try explaining the plusses and the values. But let me conform with the available deliverable available till now.


1. 3d renderings - still images

2. Animation and walkthroughs

3. Brochures

4. Banners

5. Interactive models.



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@ BVI : well, I'm sure the answer will make me good and help me feed my family good. I will help me or any one viewing this forum to start a strong visualization firm with good encouragement and brilliant ideas from experts. It like the simple saying "Live and let live" I'm sorry if i have been harsh in any part. Its just a help from you guys. :)

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@ Crazy Homeless Guy : My website is "Under Construction". I started this forum to be strong on the ideas before i take my first step in the business. This forum will help me know wether it will be a slipping step or a strong gripping step. Please feel free to share ideas on how companies can stand out from others. (Sorry for my bad english)



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if your work is at par with the 3d guys in the inhouse guys , then you wont be making an impression . but if your work is better than theirs , then defiinitely it will stand out and make an impression , good luck

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  BVI said:
You can also add:


3D Blueprints (Isometric 3D's)

3D house rotations?




What is a 3d blue print, and how do you do a 3d house roatation?


Personaly if they want cheap come up with a way of doing cheap and cheerfull, but show a range , as in you can get this for this price and if you really want to spend some money you can get this.


Supply and deman, if you have somebody already interested, you have your foot in the door, now its time to convince them you are worthkeep on.



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@Philip: I think its a good idea, that we can actually have different categories of 3d visualization models. If they want it cheap and simple sauce we can provide the simple yet tasty sauce. If they want the Mc.Donalds Sauce we gotta provide with the secret sauce (Lol..! in relevant with - MAXER, jus kidding)


But still I've not figured it out the secret (sauce) - In my place as of that i have found out, the companies that dose visualization stuffs may not have works like the works in "Visualization Pro of the Week" or the ones that come in CG magazines. But still they have a good run in the business.


>>Is this the marketing strategy secret (or)

>>Amount of works (or)

>>Years of experience

or anything new.?




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