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Meh. Overtime is a necessary evil. I'm a salaried employee so there's really no such thing as getting paid for overtime. So long as it doesn't become a situation where I'm constantly having to stay late and work over the weekend I don't really mind working overtime.


Come work for me! :) I Pay all my staff overtime for any time spent over and above their 8 hours work day.

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To actually put that in the job description is just sloppy. (come and work for us, we can't cope).


Employees spend so much time fine tuning their CV's and portfolios to impress and secure work.

If an employer saidd in interview, 'we would expect that you may have to work extra hours and weekends' would not paint an attractive proposal.


Perhaps they can come and wash my car on sunday and take my wife shopping while i'm at work? and make sure they wear a condom when they #### me up the ****!

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Hi Everyone,


One of the great advantages of CGArchitect is that it will put you in touch with a lot of very senior and experienced members of our community and industry. It gives us all a chance to vent and question what, who, how and why we are. Often we get a chance to hear the real story from its source. I want this to be one of those times. So, at this juncture I should probably step up to the platform and address a few points made in this thread.


When I woke up this morning I checked my emails to see a message from an ex co-worker from a few years ago, catching up on life and work. He mentioned this thread so I hit the site to see what is going on. I have read the thread through and want to address a few points made here and clear up a few questions.


The Job Ad was written to show full clarity and honesty. I have worked in this industry for 16 years for some of the most recognized names in architecture, arch viz and design. In all my years I haven't worked in a single company that everybody walked out the door at 6pm. Not out of requirement, but out of choice, mostly through taking pride in what they do. Occasionally, a project gets pushed through a weekend, and often staff will make a contribution to getting that done. This is typical of what we do and I don't think anyone here should be surprised. The job ad is making that point.


Nobody is 'expected' to put in extra time. Its asked of when it will further the company and therefore further all of our careers, folios and future opportunities. Working artists too hard will burn them out and asking them to do extra work is calculated risk, believe me, I need them to have a life and get some free time.


Nobody is 'squeezing more work' out of an artist. We discuss this kind of work together and make the decision to work longer hours together. We work as one family and one team. We are only seeking the same energy and enthusiasm from a new member.


There is no 'stealing of your life'. We specifically want people that love this work and want to be proud of their best work on each project and we give people the chance to do that.


People are hired because we want to make sure that our work is as good as it can be and done in the most effective way possible. It's not just about profit. We didn't get into this industry for money, believe me, I would be a surgeon if I just wanted a boat load of cash. We go into this to do something in life which is fairly unique. We do art for a living with like minded people and get paid for it. So it's not just about using people for profit. We work with people so we can get a better shot at the best projects out there.


There is no extra hours built into any contract. Its just a preference of a persons willingness and professional commitment. And in every case and occasion, life comes first. Period.


The ad isn't sloppy and it isn't shameless, its honest and upfront. Our industry is a result of peoples passion and commitment. For those of us who have done this long enough, we know that this industry exists because of a huge commitment we all made a long while ago, before Vray and Max even existed (it wasn't called max back then). I would hope that the commitment and passion still exists and will continue to do so for that is where the best projects come from.


A project manager will tell you that most projects and clients can be looked after within a budget of time and cost, however on occasion, you really want to help a client out and be the best you can be for them, this takes extra effort and is needed to back your client up and make sure you are there for them when they need you. Its a team spirit.


With all of this said, I am happy to know that this week I have spent several hours getting better benefits for all the staff and asking for a wish list of anything they want. We pay for everyone's lunch every day, we all have flexible working hours, brand new offices, education programs, the latest equipment, oh and we are even all going hiking this weekend with our families (I hear its meant to be beautiful weather). We even have an company event planned next week so lots of fun for all. So with that said, I better get on as I'm hoping we can all finish early today and get some 'refreshments' together at a good local. Believe me, the beer is mighty fine round here.


Obviously this is a bigger topic than just one company, but I wanted to validate and contribute to this thread in the spirit of total disclosure and full access.


Thanks guys!



Andy Catterick





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Hi Andy, thanks for your in depth response. I agree that it seems to be the norm that we have to work past 6pm. You mention it's not out of requirement but surely you have worked for a company where they have bitten off more than they can chew?. As an artist in those circumstances you don't have a choice, it has to get done.


You also mentioned that sometimes a project gets pushed through a weekend. I am glad you find that acceptable but I certainly don't. Luckily I have always worked for companies that know how to organize their projects. With proper scheduling weekends should never come into play.


"Nobody is 'expected' to put in extra time", with your experience you should know that it's hard for an artist to say no, fearing that it will affect their employment.


I love this work and feel lucky to do it every day but I also realize it's a business. As artist's we have to know our worth, nobody's time should be free. Think about the hours that your artist's put in outwith the normal work hours. Sure they love their job but think of those precious hours taken away from them that could have been spent with their families. I look at it in a very morbid way, imagine I die on Monday. Would I rather my last weekend on this earth be spent in front of a computer giving away my time for free or would I rather spend it with the ones I love. I am taking it to the extreme but you get my point.


"There is no extra hours built into any contract", maybe you should build in some padding.

I will give you kudos for being upfront. I have commitment and I have passion for the job but that's what it is in the end, a job. You will get people who are hungry to work in the industry and don't mind working extra hours but believe me there will come a time when they realize that they are lining someone else's pockets by working nights and weekends.


Companies undertaking the same practice as you are setting up a dangerous norm, it will only be stopped when artist's realize their true worth. This is a profession and should be treated like one.

It's sounds like you treat the employees well in other ways which is great. I am just asking for you to think about that last weekend on earth scenario, it sounds far fetched but as I previously mentioned, I know a couple of people who died young and believe me it's like life suddenly comes into focus. You realize you have taken it all for granted, our time is too precious to just give away.

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Andy Catterick,

I also value your response and your answer is much how would expect. Although noble in your intentions, my personal experience is that the working hours of being an employed 3d artist are what pushed me towards the door. I chose self-employment for the very reasons you have laid out as being a positive environment for your employees. I am not suggesting you are a bad employer...far from it. You seem very conscientious. I was also surprised to see a strong negative reaction to your ad. However, the acceptance that +45 hours per week is the norm in our industry is what made me choose a different path. But I would stress, that is a highly personal opinion and in no way a reflection upon yourself.


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"Nobody is 'expected' to put in extra time", with your experience you should know that it's hard for an artist to say no, fearing that it will affect their employment.


This, this is the real truth about every company i have worked for, no matter how good they treat the employer, i even sometimes think the special treat is given so you can´t deny the extra hours. All in all having a nice environment can make those none paid extra hours more acceptable.

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