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New Name for Our Industry?


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Can't we come up with a new name to describe our industry? Where did "3D Architectural Visualization" come from anyway? It's so long, awkward and vague. Can't we as a group come up with a new industry description for what we do and everyone start using that title until it catches on? Something short, sexy, and catchy! Even Graphic Designer is a better name and just about everyone knows what a graphic designer does - works with photoshop to create business logos, branding, brochures and websites.


So I'm starting this thread to see if we can come up with a new name for our industry. If you have some ideas, let's hear them. Maybe we can turn this into a poll someday, vote and start using our new title with clients. Heck, if a garbage collector can become a sanitation engineer, our creative minds can surely do better.

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I am more and more refering to myself as an "Architectural Illustrator", although people tend to stop hearing after they hear architect.




Same here... I am an Architectural Illustrator... sometimes I use "pixel ninja" or "digital assassin" to try and impress people, but apparently people find the names "ninja" and "assassin" to be unprofessional


OR if you go by how my work place refers to me...


I am "3D Guy" or "t-shirt dude".

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I am more and more refering to myself as an "Architectural Illustrator", although people tend to stop hearing after they hear architect.




"Architectural Illustrator" - still kind of long. It would be nice to somehow get the word "Architectural" out of our title. I know this is our main focus, but not only focus. Plus the word is long and does carry a stigma with some people. I like CG Artist, but that is fairly broad - could be game designer, film fx, or us. I don't have a good name, hence the post.

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i found different people refer to it in different ways - so i just align to what they understand

the architects understand - arch vis

but the developers and real estate agents quite often refer to what we do as "artist impressions" - so most of the time i refer to what i do is create artist impressions for developments ... the real dumb it down approach :)

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I would suggest - 3D..... Engineer laaaaaaa (angel sounds from above)


Think about it for a few seconds, .......... isn't that exactly what we do??




If we as a community change the name now, imagine how 3DAS will feel after spending all that time to become number ONE in the google search results for Arch Viz

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Render-man (like superman, batman etc.)

Tagline - "Deadline trouble don't worry, render-man is here."


Or rather, Visualizer or a 3d artist


Many networking sites where you can register, I face a problem that I cannot find proper section to select as a type of business. I always find 3d, 3d animation etc. Shouldn't people create a category for 3d renderings, 3d architectural renderings etc.

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There are two types of people, those in the industry and those that aren't. The last group truly has no idea what we do and no title is going to communicate that to them so I wouldn't worry about it. Those in the industry have at least a vague understanding and I've found that if you put 3D in front of pretty much anything they get the picture, for example:

3d guy

3d guru

3d illustrator

3d slave

3d monkey....

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Multi-Dimension Multimedian


oh yes... love it.


as for Devin's comment, I try more and more now a days to not use the term 3D. I hate getting pegged as a 3D guy right off the bat. Especially when what I do is so much more.


3D modeling is one of the services I offer, I use 3D software along with many other programs to work... what I produce on a daily basis are illustrations and graphics... the closest I come to producing 3D for a client to use (in most cases) is the sketchup model I give to the city to satisfy requirements when submitting a project.

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These are all good suggestions for job titles. But, correct me if I'm wrong, the idea is to come up with a better name for our industry. My opinion is that "our industry" exists on the periphery of, or juncture between, many industries (Architecture, Engineering, Game, Film, Advertising, etc).


3d, Visualization, Simulation, Illustration, or Digital Art are good general descriptions of what we do within our industries. Fortunately, 3d is becoming a popular buzzword in Hollywood and the Tech Industry. People are starting to understand what we do, but I'm not sure what would be the best label to describe us. Keep in mind also that an industry is usually labeled after the final product and not necessarily the people that produce the product. 3D Rendering Industry sounds pretty dull, so I agree we need something a lot more sexy. What word best describes a beautiful image of something we dream to build?

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