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3rd party renderers


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there are tons of threads about renderers, but usually don't help that much. very often discussions about "which is the best one?" become quite unproductive, people tend to take it as a personal matter. plus an opinion can't be based on occasional use of a renderer, in order to compare different ones you are supposed to know them. anyway, in the 3rd party renderers section of the forum there are plenty of competent and useful comments that can help you in make a decision. if i were you, i'd download as many demo version as you can and started trying them myself.

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It is subjective. I am a Final Render user, mostly because it came out first (as far as I know), and I've spent the time learning it. I think you can get superb results from any of them, though.


Also, keep in mind that there is a momentum swing that has occured. First fR (final render) was hot, then Brazil was the sh*t, lastly VRay was king. I don't agree with any of it, just timing, pricing offers, etc., play into it.


They all have a lot to offer. Look at the materials offered, the prices, and consider what you are looking for (for example, the networking costs for more licenses).


There are also new ones coming out that surely will stir things up. And Vray and Final Render will have standalone version soon (no doubt Brazil, too). Lots of options and there will be more and more. Figure out what works for you, learn it, and then what ever choice you make will be the best.

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Here is a direct rendering comparison using HDRI as a light source. Really dives into the level of detial, visually, render times of MR, Vray, Brazil and a comaprison to Light Tracer in max.



Link goes to last post, it's worth starting from the beginning.



I would tend to agree about the test drive, but make sure you test the unlocked versions, ie Vray vs free vray(limited). You may also want to consider researching how the render engines work first, save some learning curve time.



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VRAY is the only way to fly.

Especially if you are doing ARCH VIZ. Can be very fast. (only if you don't watch it though)


I use V-Ray also and love it to death but on the same hand, like I was getting at earlier was if you know Brazil, Final Render, Mentalray, renderman,... Inside and out the same or similar affects can be achieved. Comparing render engines is kinda like comparing pencils, there are lots of options out there but not everyone is going to like the same one and its whats behind the pencil that produces the work not the pencil its self.



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