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Calatrava DIA animation


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nicely done....




anyone know who did it?


Really? Not to my taste at all. Blandly lit, unimaginative camera execution, some elements animated and some static, bad color / exposure for externals, esp skies. Muddy as well, but that could be down to compression. Really didnt sell the design either, I'm sure it will be wonderful as its Calatrava, but I was left thinking its a convoluted collection of motifs rather than Calatrava's usual cohesive melding of engineering solutions.

Potaytoes potartoes I guess.

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Nice find, thanks for sharing Brian.


I think it's a good animation cause it got me thinking about the architecture, instead of rendering details...


Architecturally, I honestly don't like the scale of those towers at all. They seem foreign, un-necessary, and not well thought out. They really don't have a scale that matches the rest of the airport and seem more like an barricade as opposed to an inviting, gradual, humane scale that Calatrava seems to usually do pretty well. I'm kind of surprised by his design here, and hope some of the feedback they get, motivates them to re think those monolithic/excessive towers..


Just my 2c :)

Edited by alias_marks
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Architecturally this design is a war crime on the retina and on the beauty of the existing structure. A white billboard is a white billboard; I do not care what excuse or pontification you wrap around it. Wite, Whiet, Whyte, it is all bad!!!


The rendering is good in places and a little needy in others. The lighting varies too much as the exteriors are well done and the interiors are too light. However, they polished it pretty good considering the design. The windows on the tower are too reflective and/or muted. They appear to be hiding something inside.


Typically, I love this guy's stuff, but on this one he really stuffed it!

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