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Augmented reality question...

Tommy L

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I got this question from a client:


I wanted it to be in a kiosk where people can come up to it holding a card and seeing themselves on the monitor holding a 3D object where the card is.


Any takers? I dont even know if this is possible. If it is, Im sure it will use similar technology to sport broacasts such as American Football when they project the Down Line in yellow across the field.

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here's a couple links, mostly just cause thats what I've seen recently (as a unity user), how easy it is to work with I dont know much as of yet.







Edited by Dave Buchhofer
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Possible? I worked on it in 1997, using 2 SGI workstations and tags made from codes of green and red spots printed on pieces of paper, when I was at the Media Lab. Both of the SGIs got the video feed from a helmet cam and one processed it to find the tags and sent the location to the other, which superimposed whatever was needed over the tag location and fed it back to the head-mounted display. I don't remember a bit of the code or whether it made it to a commercial product, but now a $300 computer probably has the power to do it :)

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