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Hi Jeff


how was it then? noticed you lurking around again ;)


pick up any usefull titbits and snipits of tasty info you can share with use about the CG industry that we wouldn't know?


When the big guys like Discreet, Autodesk, Maxon etc etc were there displaying, i hope you stole their thunder by giving CGARCHITECT.COM and #CGARCHITECT on mIRC (up for several "chat room of the year" awards so i hear) a damn good plugging. I bet your well pollished and practiced schpiel was floor less m8.


welcome back btw :)

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Hey STRAT, glad to be back,


Yes I got back, but didn't do much until today. I spent the last few days recovering. I was absolutely exhausted. The show was alright, not too much new other than MAX 5 and Brazil 1.0. I'll be posting my full review later this week. The best part was being able to meet everyone, and by far my most memorable part of the show. I really wish I had more time to spend with everyone, but with only one of me I only ended up being able to spend a few minutes with everyone. I hope that those I did meet did not feel as though I brushed them off, as that was definetly not my intent. Somebody needs to figure out human cloning. :)


I did lots of networking and there may be some new and exciting devlopments for CGarchitect in the coming months and year, but it's too early to tell just yet. Keep your fingers crossed. I was astounded to find out just how far reaching CGA has become. Almost everybody I have spoken to knew about CGarchitect and spoke of it in high regards! We have even positively

affected sales for some companies. Who knew one site could have such an affect. In any case, it really gave be a charge to find this out.


Out of curioisty where are you hearing "chat room of the year"? I always like to hear about CGA news. ;)


Well that's it for now. I'm still in catch-up mode, so it may be a few days before I get back in the groove. Doubly so, as I also have to go back to work tommorrow. :(


I'll be around. Cheers.

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