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New to forum and have even arrived with a problem


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The problem is an AutoCAD/AccuRender problem. In my model I am trying to represent perforated metal. I have attached a black and white BMP decal to the material but I cannot get it to show the black as transparent. i.e. am unable to see other objects through the parts that should be transparent (holes in material). The settings I have chosen under decal properties are masking:Color (color picker shows black). The only other settings I have used are color masking with transparency. I do notice however that under 'Finish' options the Transparency slider is completely over to transparent and the clear slider is at the clear side (not frosted). I did not set these so I assume that they are automatic due to the other settings made. I have also noticed that when there is no material attached to this object (i.e. 'use layer colors') the entire object renders as black. When there is a material attached (i.e. shiny aluminum) I get the problem above -black and white image w/no transparent bits for perforations.

Anybody have a clue?? Sure would appreciate solving this one!

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