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radiosity colour


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hi. i've got an interior scene of a building to render with brightly coloured floors but white walls and a white ceiling. i'm lighting with a good hdri sky, radiosity@ 550% (monte carlo 4x12), ambient at 25% (255, 255, 255) and a few distant/area lights to pick out certain areas. the problem is that the radiosity is making the colours of the walls and ceilings pick up the colour of the floors IN A BIG WAY!!! i'm trying everything to correct it - but if anyone could help? ................


thanks. cheers.


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Depends on what program you use of course, but in finalRender there's a 'Color Bleeding' spinner in the Global Illumination parameters. It does, however, affect the whole of your scene. Mind though that it seems to me that a higly coloured surface in a white room does indeed affect the overall colour very much...

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I'd say it's happening because you have radiosity set at 550%. You could also try turning "extra ray trace optimization" to a lower setting like 4 or 6 (instead of default 16). This seems to impact the amount of reflected color.

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Yeah--what Jure said... the higher the radiosity percentage the more saturated the image gets. i doubt you'd ever really need to go above 130% -- if you're trying to lower the amount of coloring of walls from reflected light, i'd use a radiosity setting of 100%

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