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optimize vertices for polylines and ellipses from Autocad


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Is there a way to optimize polylines and ellipses from Autocad before importing in 3DS Max?

They generate an enormous amount of vertices in my scene. I have 1.475.000 and most of them are just junk from those two type of elements (instead of 2-3 vertices I have hundreds per element). If I want to redraw them in Max it will take a lot of time and some surprise crashes.

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Splines (as opposed to polylines) from AutoCAD will have a lot of vertex points but these can be simplified with the Nomalize Spline Modifier.


If it's relevant - if you are drawing ellipses in AutoCAD, you can change the system variable PELLIPSE to 1 to make ellipses out of arc segments rather than spines, and are much more friendly in terms of editing.


Also - if most of this stuff in the AutoCAD drawing is junk, can you not freeze them off? Or you could use a quick select filter to select various object types to delete.

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