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Missing DLL Dialog Box


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When opening a file in Viz 4 (has only been opened on Viz4) a dialog box comes up with:


Missing DLLS : FileName: boolcntrl.dlc Class: Boolean Controller. THis does not happen in the startup file when opening Viz


Is there a way to remove this? Is there a function in Viz like AutoCAD that I can "Wblock" the file out?


I have tried merging the file into another drawing, but the missing driver box pops up too.


Thanks for any help.



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I don't know if you how you can remove that missing DLL pop-up, but was the file created in another program where it used that particular boolean controller that your Viz 4 program doesn't have? I found that downloading a model created from another program but can be imported or opened in Viz4 sometimes have plug-ins or something Viz doesn't have installed that opens with errors. I don't know the way around it. It would be nice to know though...

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Well the file was imported into Viz by 3ds created in FormZ; however, I havent had any problems doing this....ever.....Since the import into Viz, I havent had any problems.


I tried to "repair" viz from the install disk and that didnt help. I havent imported anything since this box came up either.....


Any thoughts on "wblocking" the file out....is there a script out there or something that you know of?


Thanks for the speeding response.


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I did a search on my harddrive and did see it in my max5 directory. However, I never opened the file in max...So, how do I substitute the driver....? If I remove max 5 from my system should that fix it?


Thank you for any help...



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