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is it wise to attend architecutre classes


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EB,Seems almost like we had simular experiances with our fathers and all.


I'm sorry to hear that.


Someday I would love to see your fine art work if you find time to make it available.


that sfia school could almost be mistaken for the Roger Dean School of Architecture ;)


In a way, I DID attend that school. Dean is probably my biggest influence. I have an original drawing of his hanging in my studio.


Some of my non-commercial work IS available, and it does happen to be architectural, on one of my websites (long neglected, I'm afraid) architectural visions.


I'm actually hoping to getting back to fantasy drawing in the weeks ahead. I've been too busy too long and miss it terribly.


Another thread that has tangented away.

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EB thats some amazing stuff on your website


Thank you. If you think so, have a look at the SFIA place. The guy who started it was a contemporary of my father at the University of Oklahoma in the 50s. They were there to study under 'visionary' architect Bruce Goff. (I'm not sure if Fed, the school founder, actually was a STUDENT, but he was there). The people who studied there stay fairly tight to this day. They have a site

friends of kebyar .


I'm giving a talk this fall at the ASAI convention in Rhode Island on visionary architectural drawing. So I must study up...


How much of that sort of work has been done digitally? Very little. I have not done any myself, which bothers me. Its hard to get organic forms out of a polygon surface modeling CAD program. That's not the sort of architecture they are made to work with.


Here's an interesting story: If you like the drawings on the site I mentioned--for a while I included one or two of those in my rendering portfolio. I actually recieved hostility from several architects for showing it to them. "What is that? Why are taking up my time looking at that?" They thought it was so far from what they think of as architecture that I was wasting their oh-so-valuable time just to see it among dozens of other, standard, renderings. I took the pictures out of my portfolio.

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