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moving from Vray-free version - HELP please


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hope some one can spot any obviously errors in my settings.


i have been using Vray free version with autodesk Viz for a few years now with good success.


planning a move to max design and vray 1.5 or 2. so playing around with it just now.


my problem is i have create a small test scene in viz+vray free light outside + a couple of ies lights. just keeping it small 1200x1600 pixels just now and it takes 26mins which is what i am used to.


same/similar scene in max+Vray1.5 made all the text Vray textures and adjusted accordingly. added a Vray sun + a couple of ies lights did some reading and sent a render this what i get after 12hrs and 65hrs to go.


so i am obviously doing something wrong. i have attached the render rollouts can you have a look and see if anything if glaringly out and why it would take so long.


i am used to 30mins for a draft and 3hrs for a high res final render. do an estimated 77hours for a draft is not an option.


thanks in advance for the help


Edited by gwb90
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Also, I don't play with the max. depth tree but 20 is quite a bit lower thanthe default. That may not be a problem, but it is an odd number to me.


What about materials? Are they all Vray? Standard usually work without a problem, but anything else could be causing slow down.


What happens if you turn off glossy reflections?


As mentioned above, ...what are you light settings? How many subdivisions?


What are you computer spec's?


The best bet is probably to post your file and let someone tweak it and tell you what speed they get off the render. That will take about 15 minutes compared to the 2 or 3 days you are going to spend trying to figure out how to get a better speed if you don't post it.

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  Crazy Homeless Guy said:
Also, I don't play with the max. depth tree but 20 is quite a bit lower thanthe default. That may not be a problem, but it is an odd number to me.


What about materials? Are they all Vray? Standard usually work without a problem, but anything else could be causing slow down.


What happens if you turn off glossy reflections?


As mentioned above, ...what are you light settings? How many subdivisions?


What are you computer spec's?


The best bet is probably to post your file and let someone tweak it and tell you what speed they get off the render. That will take about 15 minutes compared to the 2 or 3 days you are going to spend trying to figure out how to get a better speed if you don't post it.


i changed the tree depth trying to get it quicker. was 60 before.

glossy reflections off and its the same

light cache subdivs 500 + sun shadows dubdivs 8

comp spec is quad core 8gb ram. which is doing the job.

thanks for the advice cant upload as the file is too big

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could it be because i am using a 30day demo version of max design?


i have attached the scene and as you can see i have removed stuff to make it smaller.


can someone open it and try rendering and see how fast it is.

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