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Section cut line thickness order


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When cutting a section in Revit the thickest line is always shown at the perimeter of the cut. I would like to have the thickest line follow the core instead of the perimeter of the section cut. I can't for the life of me figure it out.


I do not want to resort to overriding the line thicknesses one at a time for each section because there are way too many sections. I would like to apply this globally for all sections.


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  • 1 year later...

Thanks for the reply Marc. It's been a year since I first posted this and have found my answer since then. Revit 2012 has implemented a solution to this and is found under the Visibility Graphics setting. It's a new area called "cut line styles". I have attached a screenshot of it. This is the answer I was looking for. Thanks again for the suggestion.


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