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2012 Nitrouse Display,

Justin Hunt

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When I import a dwg model exported from Revit, the curtain walls (frames and glass pannels) do not display with Nitrous. They are there and can be selected from the layer manager. They are visible if I add an Editable Mesh modifier.


DirectX and OpenGL display properly.


Anyone else have this issue?



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It seems like a dwg2010 version doesn't work, but a dwg2007 does??????




Doesn't surprise me. DWG is one of those formats that I think it is worth saving back to earlier versions. I think the later versions have more stuff in them, and the earlier versions are more geared to geometry.


I would avoid going all the way back to 2000 though, I typically use 2004 or 2007. I think the 2000 version may still have used 8 character names, and no layers.

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It's my understanding that the main difference between the newer AutoCAD formats and the older ones is mostly a difference of file compression. It wouldn't be too suprising if the more modern compression settings somehow screwed up how things imported into MAX.


It's good to know that Autodesk is making sure that all of their softwares work together before the release them though! :-P



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I dont think it is a DWG issue, rather a Nitrous issue, because when a modifier is added, or the geometry is collapsed to a mesh, it is visible.


On the whole I am liking 2012, the imports do seem faster, although I havn't directly tested it.


As always I'm waiting until the first SP before rolling it out for production.



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I think it is actually a Revit issue. I've had one project where exporting to dwg and opening the file in ACAD had resulted in messed up curtain walls (they would be come scattered all over the drawings, but be perfectly fine in Revit). I don't recall if the issue was the way in which the CW was constructed, or the dwg file type (we were using 2007 to export). I haven't had the problem when importing the file into Max 2011, but individual members of the CW system would be incorrect instead; haven't tried importing on 2012 yet though. In most cases I ended up remodeling the CW in ACAD then importing to Max.

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